Recent concerts

Concert Rolde met Theo Jellema

Theo Jellema en Pieter Jan Belder spelen afwisselend op orgel en klavecimbel delen uit Bach's Wohltemperierte Clavier

Concert Simonshaven with Ensemble Fantasticus

Werken van ondermeer Dietrich Buxtehude in het prachtige kerkje van Simonshaven

Música ibérica II at Festival of Early Music

Pieter-Jan Belder plays keyboard music by Domenico Scarlatti, Antonio Soler and Carlos Seixas.

Master class with Pieter-Jan Belder

The Iberian style: keyboard music by Domenico Scarlatti and Antonio Soler.

Bach: Sonatas for harpsichord and violin - Duo Belder Kimura

Duo Belder Kimura will play four of the six Sonatas for harpsichord and violin by Johann Sebastian Bach.

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